Pokja Teknis (Technical Working Group)

Under PEMO, there will be two technical working groups (Pokok Jabatan Teknis/ Pokja Teknis) to measure substandard and falsified medicine prevalence, and a group to measure economic and public health impact. Government institutions from PEMO will appoint technical staffs to involve deeper on this working groups, who will also participate on trainings conducted by collaborating Universities; Universitas Pancasila and Imperial College London. The appointment is based on the institution’s specialization, and if needed, ad-hoc members can be invited to share more advice toward their specialty and capacity. Ad-hoc members may come from public or private institutions.

The first Pokja Teknis to measure substandard and falsified medicine prevalence has been held on 26-27 August 2021 which invited Government Institution from Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs (KemenkoPMK), Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas), Executive Office of The President (KSP), Ministry of Health, National Agency of Drug and Food Control of Indonesia (BPOM), Badan Penyelenggaran Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan (BPJS Kesehatan), National Procurement Board (LKPP), and Regional Health Agencies.

Pokja Estimasi Mutu Obat
(PEMO) / Intersectoral Consultative Group
  1. Pokja Teknis Estimasi dan
    Prevalensi Obat Palsu dan Substandar (Techincal Working Group on Estimate and Prevalence of Substandard and Falsified Medicines)
  2. Pokja Teknis Dampak Obat Substandar dan Palsu terhadap Ekonomi dan Kesehatan (Techincal Working Group on the Impact of Substandard and Faslified Medicines toward Economic and Health)

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